This is a digital garden — something I’m new to and interested in exploring.

This is what got me excited about digital gardens. This is what helped me get started.

💭 I don’t love using Notion for this, but figure it’s an entry point for me and a good vibe check to see if it’s something I’m serious about growing.

“Hey Charlie, why are you doing this? Seems kinda weird/new for you!”

Glad you asked! I like the idea of curating personal spaces. They’re helpful to ground me in the things I’m interested in vs. being distracted by all the noise out there. I also admire technical tools and the people that build them, despite strongly identifying as nontechnical (which maybe I can start to get over). Growing this garden will help remind me that using tools to develop things isn’t limited to only those who know how to code.

“Oh, cool man… want to go get a beer?”